Welcome to our Bi-Weekly Updates!
Welcome to our Bi-Weekly Updates!
Please check back every other Wednesday for updated information!
April 7, 2021
Coaching Slate
We are excited to announce our new coaching slate for the ‘21-‘22 season. With seasoned veterans along with adding new coaches with long resumes, our Ukies teams will be set for a successful year of soccer. Our coaches are looking forward to the season ahead! Stay tuned for age group details.
Tryouts and Registration
Tryout season is upon us, and our spring is about to get busy with regular trainings combined with extra traffic at the club. Please be sure to register your player for tryouts and connect with coaches if you have any questions about tryouts. Don’t forget to stop in our clubhouse for a beverage and bite to eat during your player’s session!
Safety Updates: Dropoff/Pickup, Parking and Pedestrian Traffic
It is very important you adhere to the traffic patterns at the club. There is absolutely no drop off allowed anywhere in the driveway or parking lot at anytime. Please pull into a parking spot to drop your player off. Not adhering to this is a major safety violation. Teams will be fined for any player that is dropped off in the driveway or parking lot without properly being parked in a spot.
There is also absolutely no parking allowed by the snack stand under any circumstances off the front of the driveway by anyone. This is an emergency area only that is dedicated to first responders in emergency situations. This entrance cannot be blocked for any reason at any time.
Foot Traffic: Please use the two bridges (by the main parking lot and the picnic grove) to get to your fields. There have been several complaints of players and parents walking down the main driveway causing major traffic jams during pickup and drop off times. This alone will cause people to want to let the players out in the driveway where it is strictly prohibited. For the safety of all, please refrain to using the driveway as your main path to get to any field and instead properly use the crosswalk and bridges to get to the fields.
Memorial Day Tournament
We are happy to announce this year’s Memorial Tournament is back on schedule with a new format. We will be hosting 4v4, 7v7 and 9v9 teams for our Memorial Day Tournament with all games to played onsite at the Ukrainian Nationals Club. To find out more information, please contact your coach as well as watch the website for updates.
Schedules and brackets will be released once we get closer to the weekend. Please plan to stay for refreshments, food, and live entertainment while supporting our cause through “Cup a Joe for a Joe” and the “Travis Manion Foundation”.
Club community service hours are required by parents for each player they have at the club for this tournament. You can sign up for your service through Sign Up Genius that will be released the week of the tournament.
Summer camp planning and scheduling is in full swing. Please check out our calendar and camp link for more information. As part of your membership to our teams, 2 weeks of camp are free to new and returning players for the ’21-’22 season once you are registered for the new season.
Spring Covid Update
In preparation of the Spring 2021 soccer season, Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer wanted to
give a brief update on the latest COVID-19 information as it relates to youth soccer. Please review
our COVID-19 Response document and the updates below.
- All coaches, spectators, referees, players should wear masks at all times. The only
time when players or referees do not have to wear masks during participation is if they meet
an exception in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Order Requiring Universal Face
Coverings. Section 3 of the Order provides an exception that allows an individual to remove
their mask if wearing a face covering would either cause a medical condition, or exacerbate
an existing one, including respiratory issues that impede breathing, a mental health condition or a disability. Proof of meeting the exception is not required. For fully vaccinated individual’s, masks should be worn in public places which includes soccer activities.
- Reduction of quarantine duration for a “close contact” – For an individual who is
considered a “close contact” with a COVID Positive case, quarantine should ideally be for 14
days from the last time they had contact with you; however, for individuals who do not
develop symptoms, quarantine can end after Day 10 without testing or after Day 7 if a
specimen collected on or after Day 5 tests negative on a diagnostic test (i.e., PCR,
antigen). Symptoms should be monitored for a full 14 days.
- Elimination out-of-state travel restrictions. The state is no longer requiring that people
who are traveling to Pennsylvania from another state, as well as Pennsylvania residents who
are returning home from out of state, to test negative for the virus within 72 hours prior to
arrival or quarantine.
- Revised maximum occupancy limits for indoor events to allow for 15% of maximum
occupancy, and 20% of maximum occupancy for outdoor events, regardless of venue
size. Core public health measures such as face covering (mask-wearing), social distancing,
and hand hygiene still must be enforced. The 15% of maximum occupancy is permitted only
if attendees and workers are able to comply with the 6-foot physical distancing requirement.
We will provide updates as information becomes available from the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Thank you for your continued support, and good luck with your spring competitions. Please visit our COVID-19 FAQ’s page on our website if you have any further questions.
Ukies Trivia: Fact or Fiction?
The Philadelphia Ukrainian Nationals were the first team in United States history to have home games televised, and played in the first regulation indoor soccer game in Atlantic City’s Convention Center in New Jersey. Fact!
The Ukrainian Nationals were six (6) time American Soccer League Champions: in 1960-61, 1961–62, 1962–63, 1963–64, 1967–68 and 1970. Throughout its history the Philadelphia Ukrainian Nationals have hosted international friendly matches with teams such as Manchester United F.C., Austria Wien, VfB Stuttgart, Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C., Eintracht Frankfurt, Manchester City F.C., Dundee F.C. and Nottingham Forest F.C..
Support our Ukies! Here are a few games to watch this weekend- check out the schedule here.